

He said that detailed shot programs had been requested from

Los Alamos and Livermore for early December review.

It was hoped that

the GAC would review them as soon as possible,
At 2:00 p.m. Col. V. G. Huston and Col, R. D. Gahl entered the

With regard to possible duplication in the three case tests
scheduled for TEAPOT, Gen. Fields said that Dr. Bradbury and Dr. York
had discussed them and felt all three were warranted,

To minimize fall-out incidents, the large shots will be interspersed between small shots.
weather criteria are met.

Shots will be made only when rigid

The operation will be difficult, and long

delays (for good weather) in the big shots may be anticipated.
_ Gen. Fields said that a smaller operation may be desired in

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Nevada in the fall.

The purpose would be to test the nuclear safety

of sealed designs.
At 2:10 p.m. Dr, Herbert Scoville, of AFSWP, joined the meting
to discuss weapon effects.
Dr. Scoville first displayed curves of "scaled crater radius vs

scaled sharge depth" (radius/wi/3 vs depth/?/3) for TNT and for
nuclear explosions,

In general the cratering effect of nuclear shots

is much less than that of INT shots of the same energy release,
because of the diversion of energy into non-effective forms.

At the

surface a 10 MT shot is expected to give a 2700 ft diemeter crater

Select target paragraph3