There were expressions of very favorable commendation on the
concept of the award and on the selection of its first recipient.
Dr. Knox displayed various formats which had been drawn up for
' the award citation,

Dr, Libby asked for the Committee's advice on

the wording of the citation.
There was some discussion of whether it would be desirable for

the National Academy of Sciences to take a part in the granting of
these awards,

No conclusion was reached, but the sentiment seemed to

be that it would not be desirable.

At 11:50 a.m. the visitors left, and the meeting continued in


an executive session.

Mr. Whitman continued the presentation of the report of the

Report Reactor Subcommittee, discussing the ANP program, the SGR, the fast


Reacton eeeioeyand the homegeneous reactor.


A point which emerged in the

Committee's discussions was that it would be desirable to review the
progress on the various ANP projects in about six months,

It was

suggested that the Committee ask for such a review to be set up, and
that the review include plans for en integrated power plant system.
At 12:30 p.m. this session was adjourned.


(November 3, 1954)
At 1:30 p.m. the Committee met with Gen. K. E, Fields, Dr. P. C,


Fine, and Dr. von Neumann,
Mr. Tomei wes not present.

All members and the Secretary were present.

Select target paragraph3