
Rates of pregnancy/delivery complications in the Outer Islands (except

for hyperemesis and prolonged Yabor) are far lower than in the other
two locations.


Immunization levels are low throughout Marshall District.


fore there is a large population at risk in case of communicable disease


Health Services:

In general, providers and the general public

consider the providers of medical care to be well trained and capable
of delivering quality health care.

The exception to this is that

practically all dispensary users were dissatisfied with the present
level of skills of the Health Assistants.

Most consumers of health care expressed dissatisfaction with the use of

Medex in the delivery of health care at the hospital.
The majority of problems expressed by the consumers of health care

regarding the heatth system have to do with the administration:

Lack of availability of physicians at the hospital during weekends,
nights, etc.


Lack of controls to assure delivery of quality medical care, such as

the performing of physical examinations before prescribing medications.

Other problems of health care have to do with public expectations of the
level of professionalism and diligence from the health providers.


consumers often complained about the unfriendliness and lack of courtesy
of certain nurses;


physicians taking time for coffee breaks while

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