he) The people practice a rather non-intensive ¢;

utilize the enviroment to the maxima, using the p
produce in this atoll environment, Copra is made for cash sale to

field trip ship. Consumer goods ere purchased from theee ships with the proceeds
of the copra sales. The interest payments fron the trust funds also help buy

needed commodities. Rice, flour, sugar, canned meats and other canned goods are
staple items of the dict and have been for mmy years. Fish, class, Langusta,

turtles (flesh and eggs), sea birds (flesh and eggs), chickens md pigs provide

protein in the diet. The marine resources are very important in the dict of these


Coconuts, pandanus, dbreadfruit, and arranvoot are the main vegetable products

used, Bananas, papaia, and squash are used to a lesaer extent, probably due to
the relative scarcity of the banana and papaia., They do not seem to grow well,
at least on Ujilang.
The diet upon return to Enewetak will of course not include breadfruit (grow

locally) or pandanus, or coconut to any significant extent until the trees start

producing. There will be a marked increase in the amount of marine products eaten

however. This is of course because more fish, shellfish, etc. will be available

due to the much Larger sise of lagoon and reefs on Enewetak. vis:

Ujilang Lacoan Area:

Enewetak Lazoon Area:

25.47 square miles,

337.99 square miles.

The produce from the land should alao evantually be treasandously increased,
commensurate with the Larger land area of Eneowetak. vis:

Ujilmg Dry Land Area:
Eneavetak Dry Land areas

0.67 square miles.
2.26 square miles.

It is anticipated that a great deal mor; imported foods: rice, flour, stc. will
be consumed to replace the asounts of local vevetable foods that will not be
available for a number of years. Data on crop maturation can be obtained from
our Trust Territory agricultural experts.

The people spend their working tine clearing brush and planting, when appro~
priates in making copra; gathering subsistence crops in season, and exploiting
the marine resources. Other routine tasks such as preparing food for meals and
regular household work accounts for the rest a the working time.
To recapitulate: the local foods available
for sone years to cone are:

to the Enewetak Beople now, and

1.) Fiah and other marine products in large quantities and varieties apparently.

Very important in the daily diet.

2.) Seabirds (flesh and eggs), amount unimow to me but a kighly valued food iten.

3e) Crabs, including coconut crabs. Amount available unknowm to me,

ue) Turtles (flesh and eggs), amount unknown to me but a highly valued food.
S-) Coconuts, Limited qumtity apparently. A vraditional staple food ites.
6.) Arrowroot, azount mnknowm to me but a-parently Limited. Tids is also a
traditional staple.

Te) Breadfruit, none reported or mow to a2.

Select target paragraph3