coriunications requirenents at TACHGI would be for all purposes
aporoxinately the saac.
instrumented ship.

This would be as of the arrival of the

At that time, from the standpoint of persomel

(STF, 7.3, Tel, ete.) required to be at the eite for operational
reasons, the shipboard communication systen should suffice.


would be voice, Cil, and teletype facilities with acceptable security


As brought out by Walter Gibbins during conference on 3 January 1957,
even under the UCRL concept there would be some requirenant fer a
cormunications structure ashore, Degree of facilities and construction
depends on whose opinion is asked.

If no sizable pre-overationsl

requirenent is present, this facility night consist of just ship-toe
shore cormunicatd on.

Throughout the Proving Ground, harever, Situation IT ari III weuld
result in little if any incresse in the REDJING comminications.


these tio situations the ships previously provided for SIKIT would
not be required (ships would not be required for evacuation, but snail

craft would be needed) ami the facilities could be made available to

Under Situation II the land based facilities at BIEINI would

remain operative but in Situation III this would not be necessary

unless BIKINI was utilized logistically,
Prior to the arrival of the instrumented ship at TACNGI, if Han is
in the area, som type of cammunications would be required.


ing upen the effect being expended at TAONSI this might range froa
cemiunications emancting for a type Stetion 70 to 2 plane dispetcied
daiiy from KWAJALET!, BIKINI or ENIWETOK to mate periedie contacts



Select target paragraph3