Three Le13 alroraft oarked in the opan on E!TVETOX Island were undamaged.

Tor the Apache shot in the Mike crater a yield of 1.8 2% was produced
with overpressures of .35 on PARRY, Utilizing TH23-200, Second Revisicn,

as a reference, it is estimated that at least light damage might be
inflicted to helicopter ond liaison aircraft parked on ENTWETOK airstrip
during 3 ‘it or greater devices detonated in the ‘Hike crater.


damage is defined ag danacge viich does not prevent imnediate operational
use of aircraft,

As may be seen from a camparison of expected overpressure

om PARRY from :ike shot ami the measured values, come allowances should

be made for local weather conditions.


Prelininary to the Operational Phase


One of the assumptions made in Paragrmh II was thet the channel

into and in tha atoll can be cleared to allow IfU's.

Since this

4s an assumption, the ability to do so is not being questioned.

However, it must be pointed out that to accomplish this will require
certain things, A survey such as requested by UCRL in letter COL=56=9
of 5 Deceuber 1956 is a first and necessary step before preceeding

The requested air photo mission was turned over to JSAF

(AFCAT) who in turn passed the request as a training projectto

Probablythe mission will be flow by a 3-50 out of GUAT,

Latest developnent along this lire is that the survey as outlined
in CCL-569, costing som (18,000 is not being conducted, iUowever,
Seripps is sending three persons for a three day survey of TAOHGI..
These persons will go out early in February aboard the ATF which is


Select target paragraph3