
Distribution, general locations,

and the sponsorshio of the shots, for

purposes of this study, are as indicated on Inclesure 2.

It will be

noted that only barge.sicts will be fired at TAONGI, except under
Situation III, and that shets lercer then 2 ‘It are planned for F!TETOK,

Under Situation I, it is visualized that barge shots would be

conducted at TAOMGI and BIKINI on an average firing intervalof 10
days (notwithstanding a possible five day capability at TAONGI and

@ six day cavseility at BIZINI) and that ell small shots are fired
at INIWETOK utilizing RUNIT, ROJCA, and undoubtedly EMCESI.


the actual lencth of tho firing schadule to be approximately 2 1/2

Withest TAONGI actual length of tn2 firing schedule might

be 3 to 31/2 months.

Under Siteation IT, it is again visualized that the UCKL barge sicts
would be conducted at TACNGI; however, the six LASL bargo shots in
groups 1 and 2 would bo detonated in the ‘like crater at ENIWETCX.
Of tie eight shots ecnsidered for Crow 3, waieh ers undor 200 kt,
4% is felt that approsinetely six are af yiskds vhich would permit
their being detonated at JIXINI and the remaining two vould be
fired eb ETUETORX at either RUNIT, ROJOA or ENGISI.


would be restricted in its firing, it is felt that this situation
would cause thm actual length of the eoeration to be increased to
aporexinately three months, the governing facter in this respect
being the large shots at ENIVJETOK,

Under Situation TIT, it is proposed that in addition to the six

barge shots of UCRL at TAOHSI, their four shots in Group 3 which are
undev 200 kt alco be detonatec at TAO"GI,



I believe it is accepted

Select target paragraph3