utilized on TACKGI, it is felt that there would definitely be a


requirewnt for ahoming beacon installation.
Jowever, 4f there was no airstrip constructed on TAOIGI, both ™ 723
ard TG 7.l have imiicated that about all they would need as either
air or sea navigational aids would be the presence of a Christmaz

Tree type radar reflestor on TACNGI,



Chamel and sea drone buoys vould be advisable in case seaplens
operations are required,

Ccneap% of Onewstions

In discussing the TAOIGI concept with TG 7.3, they indicated much

concern in regard to the risks of unloading the ehot darge fron
the LSD in tho open sea, and the prooale Aanfrequency of suitable

sea conditions for such an opsration.

They indicated that the LSD

would generally be sbout, an hours run from the TAONGI passagevay
for an LOU, They folt that 44 vould be on extrenely dangerous
opsration and in violation of good seamanship to try to dispetch
the show barge from an LSD at that distance and to try to tow it
by Tevoats to its mooring inside the lagoon.

Even at BIKINI, where

the shot barge is dispatched in the lea of BIKTII Islané where ths
calmest waters in the lagoon occur, TG 7.3 always had an ATF stand=
ing ty.

In this case, notever, they feel that using an ATF or ATF's -

would be just as hazardous,

S‘nce the ATF's could not ta the

baxvge inte the lagoon, there uculd necessarily have to be a transfer?
made from the ATF's te T=boats again in the open sea.

All in a2),

they felt thet this problem of «oving the shot barge from the LSD to
its position was one on wiieh conciderabie

~ lhe


thought would have to be

Select target paragraph3