be soneuhere in the neighborhood of three or four.

Te have the

helicopters, however, would mean that ‘they Would be based aboard a

chipwhere adequate maintenance could be performed. If the
instrumented ship was an AV, probably three heliccpters could be
handled end maintained.

If there was 2 carrier in the area, of .

course a greater mumber could be both quertetred and nairtained.
Opsrationally, in the ship-toeshore movensnt, the copters would have
to be operated part of the time over desp water.
always objected to do even inside the lagoon.

This, they have

Whether cr not tnis

jection could be ovarcoms ig problematical.


[uring REDJING there were six SAIS assigned with the mission of cffstoll support and SAR.

It is known that the JIT SEVE" off-atoll

reqviretents (eather and RadSafe Stations) are going te be larger.
With an additional emission of esergency airlift cut of TAONGI, it

4s cstimated that threo additiens) SA16's would be required.

In eummery, it cppears that if 70 7.5 (1&!l) requires an airstrip on
TAONGI because of construction, etc., that its availsbility during
ths shot series will be advantageous to all task groups.


if not required by H&l, the construction of om airstrip ao om
emergency facility is not required,

4, Sips and Sneler Craft


(1) No comnent ts being made at this tims as to the muber of
ships required by TG 7.5 (Hai!) during the pre-opsrational phase
or bofore thse arrival of the instrumented ship in the ares.

Select target paragraph3