There is difficulty in communication with the people on
the purpose of the annual examination for the detection
of radiation-induced disease... The facilities available
on both Rongelap and Utirik do not afford the opportunity.
for a good physician-patient relationship and, until this
situation is improved, misunderstanding and mistrust by
the people will continue. This was more evident when I

visited the Marshall Islands with members of the Special
Joint Committee in July 1972.
The language barrier

increases the difficulty for both patient and examining



physician as the physical examination is conducted.


In regard to the diagnosis and treatment of disease

endemic to the Marshall Islands visited and not related
to radiation, the methods for delivery of good health care
are totally inadequate. The difficulty in transporting
heavy diagnostic medical equipment ashore at Rongelap and


Utirik precludes examination using, for example, modern

x-ray machines. In view of this, consideration should be
given to the procurement of a "hospital" ship with such
equipment permanently installed. This method would also
allow additional clinical examinations to be performed as
well as treatment of surgical problems. Such a facility

would afford visiting medical personnel clean living
accomodations not now available.
This method of delivery
of good health care has been adopted and proven highly

successful in other developing countries.

The medical record system observed is totally unsatisfactory.
A medical record should be established for all persons, both
exposed and non-exposed. That information pertinent to the
exposed population should be part of such a record and

available for the visiting Medical Officers of the Trust


An upgraded record of immunizations should be

Maintained to prevent outbreaks of diseases which could
be prevented by early childhood immunizations.

The tragic

poliomyelitis epidemic of 1963-64 is an example of the
necessity of such a program.
Consideration should be given to the preparation of a
document in Marshallese on the purpose of the annual

examination by the Brookhaven National Laboratory Medical


Select target paragraph3