From inspection of Table 2 the fellowing conclusions
are made.

There were measurable amounts of radioactivity in

all the pre-shot samples, especially those from Bogombogo.
For similar areas, the post shot samples were more radioactive

than the pre-test samples by 200-300 times.

The post shot

samples from Igurin were higher than those at Rigili, Aaraan-

biru and Runit, which were closer to the shot island.


the catch in the fine~meshed net was considerably more radioactive than the catch from a coarser-meshed net for paired
hauls from the same station, especially in the post shot samples.
Some radioactivity was also found in the plankton preser-


The activity of the preservative from the Bogallua

collection that was filtered through No. 42 Whatman paper was

10,000 dfm/ec as compared to 11,000 d/m/ce for the unfiltered

The plankton for the same sample was 100 times greater

(1,100,000 a/m/g wet).

The activity of the preservative sug-

gests that some radioactive isotopes associated with the plank-

ton are partly soluble in a 4 percent formalin solution or
that some of the adsorbed particles are washed off the organisms.



The algae collections included five species of blue-green
algae, 14 species of green, 3 species of brown, and 7 species
of red algae.

A cheek list of species collected for assay is

given in the Appendix.
Anelysis by Area.

Because of the paucity of samples and

non-randomness of sampling, the best evaluation of the data
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Select target paragraph3