for the variance considerably impairs the reliability of
In view of these considerations, the best estimate of
the absolute value of the radioactivity of a group of organisms at a collecting station is an average of the values for
the individual organisms.

However, for comparison of activi-

ties by collecting stations the best estimate is made by
comparing similar species and tissues.

Because the variance

both between and within species was often great and the
number of samples vas limited,

from these data is

the most that can be obtained

trends and certain relative values.

Water Samples
While the land and reef collections were being made,

the “M-boat” that had transported the field crew from the
Oakhill to the collecting station was used for dredging,
plankton towing, and water colleeting in contiguous waters.
Because of the expected difference in specific activity, the
volume of the pre-shot water samples was 6 liters and of the
post shot samples, 4 liter.

The samples were collected with

a Foerst-type water bottle.
Sample Preparation.

Since it was impractical to bring

six-liter water samples to the laboratory for processing, 4
precipitation method was used in the field for the pre-shot
samples and only the precipitate was returned to the laboratory for counting and analysis.

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The procedure used in the

Select target paragraph3