300 mg, 4.0; 600 mg, 5.2; and 1100 mg, 6.9.

The average

self-absorption correction factor fron 135 randomly select
plates was 2.23 7 0.023.

Total correction factor for 68 pre-test samples vas
3-93 2 0.21, and for 64 post test samples vas 5.98 2 0.62.

The reliability of the results of certain average values

as used in this report to express the radioactivity of a group
of organisms is aubject to the following considerations:


Non-random selection of specimens.

In the field,

collection of specimens was directed towards obtaining certain
species at all stations, if possible, and supplementing this
collection with whatever other species were available.


@ large number of a single group of organisms was available
only 4 small percentage of the specimens was collected, whereas all of the specimens may have been collected for another
group of organisms which were less abundant.

Henee, the speci-

mens are represented qualitatively rather than quantitatively
in the field collection and also in the samples used for counting.


Random selection of tissues.

In some instances the

activity of pre-shot invertebrates for a collecting station
was estimated by averaging all the samples counted irrespective of tissue or species.

Such an estimate is an average of

plate counts and not an average of the pre-shot invertebrates.


Select target paragraph3