
For Operation Ivy, the Marine Survey Unit, Project 11.5

of Task Group 132.1, had as a major objective the evaluation
of the contamination of living organisms following the Mike

An investigation of the residual radiation contamination

of the fauna and flora of Eniwetok Atoll from the previous
weapons tests was also undertaken.
As Eniwetok Atoll has been used for several tests of
atomic weapons since the last resurvey by the Applied Fisheries
Laboratory group in 1949,

it was essential to establish the

level and kinds of residual radiation from the previous tests
pefore the detonation and resultant contamination of the Mike

The data on the pre-shot contamination were obtained

from samples of flora and fauna of the atoll and lagoon.


addition to the data accumulated on the level of radioactive

it was necessary to determine the condition

of the animal and plant populations in the areas chosen for

sampling stations.

The extensive construction program on the

atoll since 1949 changed not only the surfaces of the islands
but also modified many of the marine areas.
Following Mike shot the studies were directed to the
evaluation of:


The determination of the extent of the area contaminated.


The nature and kinds of the radioactive materials
found in the various areas.


Select target paragraph3