saimples were taken in the polar region above
Ajaska (70°N) and in the equatorial region
south of Hawaii (12° to 20°N). All three profiles of the Alaska series indicate a large nega-

tive gradient in the 8- to 12-km layer, i.e., in
the tropopause. Above this layer in all cases
the concentration again increases to a maximum

at about 15 to 16 km and then decreases with
increasing altitude.

For the interpretation of these results, two
Rn*™profiles (A and B) are plotted in Figure 5.
They were calculated for an exhalation rate of
1 atom/em® sec and the corresponding K profiles
A and B are given on the right side of the figure.
In the tropopause the gradient of profile B is
similar to the observed slope during the Alaska
series. If equilibrium conditions are assumed,
this slope indicates a mean turbulent diffusion
coefficient of 1 x 10‘ to 3 x 10‘ em?/sec in this

air layer. In the Hawaii series the decrease in
the tropopause region is less pronounced; it

corresponds to an average diffusion coefficient of

5 x 10° to 1 x 10° cm’/sec. This high rate of
turbulence is not consistent with the high verti-

cal gradient of fission product and W™ activity
in the lower equatorial stratosphere which was
observed after the nuclear weapons tests in the
equatorial stratosphere. It must be concluded
that the high Rn™ content in the lower equatorial stratosphere is mainly due te upwarddirected convection, which may occur especially
above continental areas, rather than to turbulent
The obseryed increase in concentration in the
12- to 15-km layer during the Alaska series can-

not be explained by a steady-state equilibrium
im an atmosphere which is horizontally isotropic.
It may be explained either by horizontal advection of Rn*-enriched air in the lower stratosphere, which overlaps the tropopause layer, or
bynonequilibrium conditions of the vertical exchange process at the sampling location.
The first interpretation was given by Machta
and Lucas [1962], who suggest that the Rn™ in
the 15-km layer comes from the equatorial
troposphere and enters the lower polar stratosphere through the tropopause gap. In this case
the Rn™ in the 15-km layer above Alaska should
have a more recent tropospheric history than
that in the tropopause region below. Since the
Rn™ content of this layer is about the same at
polar and equatorial sampling sites, the transit

time for the transport from south to north
through the tropopause gap must be rather
short, probably not exceeding a week.
Another interpretation of the observed profile over Alaska is possible if a sudden temporary decrease of vertical mixing or convection
is assumed. If, for instance, there is a sudden
change of the K profile from type A to type B
(Figure 5), the supply of fresh Rn™ from the
troposphere to the stratosphere is interrupted.
Because of the low turbulence rate in this layer,

most of the old Rn™ in the lower stratosphere
remains there until it decays. A fraction of the
old Rn™ in the tropopause will diffuse downward into the troposphere or upward into the
lower stratosphere. Since the mixing rate is
higher in the tropopause than in the lower
stratosphere, the Rn™ content decreases more
rapidly in the tropopause than in the layer

above, and the result is a temporary, slow increase in concentration with altitude above the

A check on possible contaminations of the air

samples and further measurements are necessary

to confirm these preliminary results. In any
event they indicate the value of Rn™ as a tracer
in the study of the exchange between troposphere and stratosphere. The main reason for
its value is its rather short half-life of 3.8 days,
which sets a time scale for the processes in-

Short-lived Rn’decay products. For the deeay products Po™(&). = 3.05 min), Pb™ (ti.
= 26.8 min), and Bi™ (¢,. = 19.7 min), the theory predicts, as expected, radioactive equilibrium

with Rn™ except in surface air. In the boundary
layer the radioactive equilibrium is disturbed
because of the deposition of decay products at
the earth’s surface which results in a downward
diffusion flux within the boundarylayer.
Figure 6 shows the vertical profiles of Po,
Pb™, and Bi“ (Po) in the boundary layer,
which were calculated with the aid of the K
profiles given in Figure 1. In all cases a lack of
the three decay praducts with respect to Rn™
must be expected for steady-state conditions
This deficiency decreases with increasing heigh
above groundlevel. At a given height the Pb™,
Rn™ and Bi™/Rn™ ratios are nearly equal bu
are lower than the Po™/Rn™ratio.
The height of the disturbed layer depends a:
the mixing rate within the boundary layer. Fc

Select target paragraph3