









One (1) officer ani two (2) NCO suprrvisors (Rad-Sufe
EQeven (11) B-36 maintenance persome]/aircraft,
One (1) water heater operator,
Pour (L) truck drivers/shift,

Utilizing the persormel aobve, the following procedures were


after the completion of the mission amt the aircraft

had landed they were parked in an isolated area art
allowed to ddcay for a specified length of time. In
this instance, the period was 20 hours after the initial



Stands were placed in position, cowling removed ania
guik-kerosene mixture in the rutio 1:5 applied over the
exterior surface of the aircraft and engines, Following
this, a warm water and detergent mixture was applied to
remove the emulsion formed by the gunk, This ia turn
was followed by a warm water wash to remove ull residues
The surfaces of the aircraft were allowei to drain for
30 minutes ani then reatings were made of the mdiation


Maintenance personnel were wiilized throughout the decontamination of their aircruft, in this perticular


case 18 hours,

Other personnel were used on a 12 or

more hour shift basis,


aN/POR-39C ratiac instruments were used to reat levels
of gamma coutardnation,

Caution mst be used in making

tnese observations as un accumulation of water in
certzin parts of the cowling will cause thesc areas to
read higher following decontamination than ocfore.


The entire proceturuy

above, was repeatei for a second

It was found that if an aircraft was thoroughly

cleaned in two (2) washings it was impossible to bring

the contamination level down to any noticeable extent
by further washings.

1G. Evaluation of the. ‘aircraft decontaninat don program following
Shot "BRAVO" revealed the following discrepancies:



amoulta ant
(2) _ Mairtenance crews assigned to the aircraft anow.4a


be used for iecmtamination because of the limited
exposure allowed during this operation,



Insufficient number of personnel assigned for the

decontaminat fonof aircraft,


Insmeiiate maintenance facilities should be available
for the repair “of the tecontamination equipment.




approximately (6) six hours were lost tue to breakiown|
of equipment. , au of which was new,

_Luproper scheduling of aircra"t ani wash crews, resulted . ,

in epproxinately four (4) hours per aireraft, lost for

we hy


adequateighiing facthities£for Bightoperations w

- not, available, ‘¢ 2

oR RSees oan 4




, Safety featares‘for ‘wash crews workingoneRofBI

.._ ines
were notavailable,



Select target paragraph3