
Enalceure 3
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of the animis will be tasted with 250 KY x-says after residence in the
tropics, The plen provides fer 12,000 nice of the IAFi strains 120

Auerioan, foxhowis; enh 180 Darce “hairless” pigs.

2.0 Pohins
Paeee shulies will feeu a testis for a eomaripon of bicleogioal

respcase te chost-baret reitation free atoais boabs with the response to
lenising radiation delivered at convent icnal rates.
2.1 Stuhy cf acute lethality, Dy end warvivel icoe versus

Cistense. (all epectes)
2.2 Otuly of histolegis changes in tievess cetained by serial

sacrifies sfter exposure.

(ail spectas)

2.3 Svety cof histechenfiesl changes in tiseuss, as tn 2.2.

2.& Stuly ef cenges tf emyus agetent in tissues, a6 in 2.2.
2.5 Svuly of pwotective agus om ID,,,


2.6 Ovaty of effout of aten bomb radiation om longevity anf

careinegenesis m survivors. (nice)

30 there) (1a)

3.2 Stuly of tins valaticoshtys of ture te stom bead éstcmmtion.

3.2 Svely ef action of wariom ecupenemts cf therm radiation
onl fostetng méietios tm causstion of Yarns.
$o§ Ceaparative etuly ef clanges %& akin tue to eaten bow bua
oni labawutay finch buns.




Select target paragraph3