







The fontamatal odjective cf the biclogtonl program 1a te provide

informtion whish can be used fm clamaing effective medical care for
victine of etonte warfare ant for victims cf infustrial acsidents ta
meclear energy plants.

Sush , lemming mst depend on rediclegionl stullices

which utilise the unique radiation cf atoute explosicas, A satisfactery
biclogiesl test ,rcgmea shoald ;rovide Gata which can jexuit evelanticn

cf stom doa métaticn injery in teres of the injurious ecticn cf roentenm,
quam, anf neutron redfiaticng of a obaracter that cam be ,roduoed by ocn-

ventional asen ta laborstcries, Adeqmte eedicel )lanning cemct be
articiyeted wil tt 1s ,casfhle to translate laboratory conlitions to
fielé comiiticas with a high degree of certainty.


fae progma has been approved ty the Divisian of Biclcey ank Medicine,

Aree Inewgy Comission, by J-Divisica of the Los Alamwe Selemiries
Laboratory, andl ty the dctat froct-Test Comittes.

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This ecolemy will previde om adequate cumber of snimie fcr we WW
ali expevinenters at shot tine.

These snimis will Inve been berm ant mised

om du:ton Inlent emf should de acclimted to the total iccal exrirunee,
Sattahle cavrcl stulies will be performed prier te the Ghets.

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appleavie rederal laws.

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