

-ags 3
3.3.8 Mes@ureuntis my alec be mde by wenne of the
optical cbesrvations ef the shoak frem imereccting vith vires.

Meagasenemis near the growl cf the ,reesure-t ine-distanse

characteristics of a musleay Gxplesicn vill be més.

3-3 of
Meoe=qnente relating te Mach effect, o.g., ath of triple
pol, will be mube if fenaible,

3% Peat

Thie qmotity fli de asnsured chiefly by mane of :beermtion of shoek websctty end sounk velccity, ;rweswe mugs vill be ued
for high ;»reseure regions eal indecmer qpuges for low ;reseure regicms.
Yoilmstecs will be neef ag a backup.

3.3 Temperature
A sscouremsatt of these quantities is being ecnsisered.

3-6 Aqmetries
shotogmyhic cBeervaticn cf the shook wave frum aircmft
is plammed to infieate shook wave sayunstry.
TS fs ,lamned to usngure diffraction effects cf the blast
wave around sevexnl suck structures.

Select target paragraph3