hand, the estimated mullet gill concentrations are higher than levels
measured in the snapper.

The largest difference in concentrations are

associated with the viscera samples.


if the estimated plutonium

in the intestinal contents of the mullet are subtracted from the measured
total viscera concentration, only 0.94 pCi/kg wet would be associated with
the mullet viscera.

This is roughly a factor of two higher than the

concentration associated with the snapper viscera.

The concentration of

plutonium associated with the contents in the snapper stomach was small.
Although the intestinal tract of the snapper is small relative to the

the ingested material in the intestine tract does contribute some

weight to the viscera sample.

If we assume this weight to be half the

Sample weight, as was the estimated weight for the contents in the mullet
GI tract,

the concentration of


Pu associated only with the snapper

viscera would be equivalent to the concentration in the mullet viscera.
Concentrations of

2394240, in the eviscerated samples of mullet

snapper are essentially identical whereas the average concentration in the
whole mullet, on either a wet or dry weight basis,

than the concentration in the entire snapper.

is 4 to 5 times higher

We would agree with previous

studies that there is a difference in the concentration of plutonium as a
function of trophic level and feeding habits only when concentrations in
the entire fish are compared.


eviscerated fish tissues are considered,

if only concentrations in the
the difference is insignificant.

Apparently mullet ingest more plutonium associated with their food
items than the snapper, but the amounts of


Pu concentrated in the

muscle, skin or bone in fish from either the first or second trophic level

Select target paragraph3