Fish Concentrations
The mullet stomach contents consisted of homogenized carbonate
material and microbenthos while the stomach contents of the snapper

contained fish parts, crustacea and some unidentified organic material.
Table 2 shows a large difference between the wet/dry ratio of the stomach
contents from the two fish.

The ingested food contents of these fishes are

from very different components of the lagoon environmert.

This observation

supports the description of the different feeding habits of the two species

(Hi 60).
Th e


Pu concentration associated with the mullet stomach

contents was 5.0 pCi/kg dry weight.

This concentration is very close to

the value of the average lagoon sediment concentration (6.2 + 1.3 pCi/kg)
The average




u ratio in the surface sediment (0.032 + 0.008)

and stomach contents (0.020 + 0.005) are also in good agreement.


wet/dry and ash/dry weight ratios of the stomach contents and sediment were

The similarity in plutonium concentrations, isotopic ratio and

weight ratios indicate that the stomach contents of the mullet consists

largely of benthic sedimentary material.

The stomach content of the

snapper, on the other hand, was found to contain a much lower
concentrations of plutonium, more typical of the levels associated with the
flesh of marine organisms.


Zr was detected in the viscera and stomach content samples of the

mullet collected on 21 October 1976,

The radionuclide was introduced to

the aquatic environment sometime after 26 September 1976.

Generally low

9575 concentration factors for marine fish species are measured in

Select target paragraph3