~34. Morse Salisbury advised that AEC would not initiate comment on
the NAS Report but would be prepared to answer specitic queries from the press
along the lines indicated in the Staff Study:

"Does the Commission have any comment on the report?
ANSWeR: The Commission is gratified that this distinguished
group of scientists has given such extensive study to the facts
available on the biological effects of radiation, and has issued its

initial findings and recommendations.

The Commission since inception

has been aware of the importance of obtaining all possible informa~
tion regarding radiation effects, and has sponsored much of the

research upon which the N.A.S. findings were based. The Commission

cooperated fully with the National Academy of Sciences in providing

data for this independent study and, of course, intends to give the
report careful study.

(Correspondents also may be told that, although

we are not commenting on the report at this time, we will be glad to
Supply background on the Commission's radiological safety standards

and procedures.) (p. 11)

After consultation with members of the Working Group, I feel that

the NAS Stuly wild continue to pose a difficult public relations problem fcr
the government in dealing with quotations taken out of context and that the
two NAS documents provide fertile materials for propagandists who are adjiteting against continuation of weapons tests, The reports elso raise, tor
the first time, the question of long-range hazards to life which might be

created by the adoption of nuclear power on a large scale.throughout the


Over the course of the next year or so we might find increasing

misunderstandings and actual hesitancies on the part of potential users to
enter into this field util the questions raised by the geneticists have
been more satisfactorily answered.


AvC feels generally that they are not able to predict the press play

which this may receive and are inclined to await developments after Wednesday
rather than venture rash predictions.
AW Staff Report on NAS

Rediation Study.


Mr. Melbourne
Dr. Lilly
Mr. Mrozinski

OUB :FHirsch:mas


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