F250 FOUTNG SUF woo PO thi rok a i MBESTOS er | PP eT Lg & : -erartment of rnersy ¥ we e Ox support Cee ¢ | Pi. “ SN OFF aa 7 TTY IO cfTfice | ‘ a 29979 Sonelulu, Eawaii 94%20 TE MGT. REPL | Dear Mr, —_-— an gsOE ORRa Mir, Williem Stanlev 4res +: wo _ ig em ee Brad OG) ota nGeee AROS 7 racifiec 2c ee ee _ a sae PD eis os Fb. ts -— oe 7 Sn DP Bee Wscaronz | Stanley, _ . iTfhe Rocke ICARY | = (feyne Tne fubiect of this letter is the arrat “rooichsven médicaltricto— i Ss wotte, The mturnese of the trip was to pick hannavevart——-~- =| =z ment of Enerey Suntlementary Grovp tatient, fer_turther—evalua tjoen_--—--—-— 7 ide at Streus Clinie in Honolulu, croup leader; ple Sroexnaven mecical revresentatives included Feter Hectis, vean Rittmaster, B.i., Temale attentent; a A ar The Lixtanur IT dcevartec Kwajalein 27 C915 on +pril 2rd for notte, C e 4 wotle etout twentv four sours later, The the Goex ané efficially met ov the macistra received message of our visit. vie both adio net én¢ Majuro radio station wSH, £ rv. the presence of Tarjen nex on f casoline to run the racio eceived a very small allotment of gasc fu jen Hex met us at the dock anc inci with us, we hac broucht a letter cf e her medical follov-ur from Dr, Koz a wmile Tarjen srenered for the trip t> Kwajaleir, the magistrate and riecex rave us a tour of the island 4nd their dievensary, hmefore denartine, Tartain Conerjv cave the islanc some much needed cas for the racio merator, which was creatly appreci ted, o The Liktanur II ceparte? Wotje at Lf! the fourth, arrivine Hwa 3jaleir. feS on the st (C30 feril Fth, The wotie peorle were very gracious, ceiving us fresh Truites and vecetables and gifts to take cown to their relatives at roeve, i woulr like to thank vour Dr c sie in Honolulu and Jim watt, DOE Coordinator at Xwajalein, for arranrine the completion of this mission, Towould nersonails Like to eryrrece ~~ arrreciation to Captain neitnr 2nd all the re-vers of the Liktanur crew for the a a ~ rn k ct oO cr om oO tr 3 Dp “4 ct oy Q) ‘ I extend a speesat thanks to Maria socian Also, a : 1 y tie eqscessfel anc efficient trin, Tor admirably Tilline in for ‘4 Toperliv, dohn Kocian, enecisal thenks to Jeannie nittmacte~ for ner cavnabdie seeistarce, Pare fo — i 7 f ct’ L reter Ie - ra “ - A pe ' t : Heoti s , é C eet .