time in the future.

bBramMmlett makeS a Strong puint thatie

turn by 1987 will not be possible.

municated to the Army,

Hasn't this been com-

Interior Department and the people?

If not, this should be a top priorty issued.

We also heard more recent information from Robison and
Noskin at our last meeting that reduced the plutonium uptake
in coconut by a factor of 50-60 and in other foods by similar factors.
Once again, I hope that similar factors are
being derived for americium because this nuclide will dominate the dose estimates if new data are not being obtained.
Perhaps the importance of this should be communicated to


However, if a similar reduction in uptake for **!Am

occurs with later data, Table XIII in Bramlett's study indicates that the EPA transuranium element guidelines will be

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