in marked contrast to previous operations. The photo tower, to all intents
and purposes, was of no use during the Hardtack events.
The two underwater shots introduced complications in obtaining the desired contamination information. On the Wahoo shot the monitoring was done
from a Navy seagoing tug (ATF). Surface contamination was somewhat high
so the time delay in reaching the target ships was considerable. The tug was
also used for obtaining a water sample for radiochemistry yield determination.


This operation proved quite successful in that a useful sample was obtained

without contaminating the ship significantly and with no more than 1 r total
dose received by anyone engaged in the sampling operation. For the Umbrella


event landing craft (LCM) from the H&N boat pool were used for the moni-

toring operation with considerable success. Surface contamination was quite
low (highest reading observed was 5 r/hr), and within 90 min following detonation all target ships had been monitored and recovery operations were proceeding. A Navy seagoing tug was once again used for water sampling without trouble. The tug obtained the water sample at approximately H+45 min.
Monitoring operations on the underwater shots did not include an actual
boarding of the target ships. Primary concern was to determine the general
radiation intensities in the vicinity of the targets and immediately alongside
the targets. Recovery parties were allowed to proceed, based on the TU-6
information, with the party monitor providing the necessary information concerning the situation aboard ship. The water-borne operations proved, in
general, to be successful; operations were limited in some cases due to the
effort made to prevent excessive contamination of participating Navy ships
and boats,
The Quince and Fig shots produced contamination only on the shot
island, Quince resulted in considerable alpha contamination. After Fig,
heavy local contamination (fission products) existed as far as 200 feet-from
the zero point. A combination of residual alpha contamination from .Quince
and the high levels resulting from Fig required that a check point and a personnel decontamination station be set up on Runit. Approximately 1,600 people
were processed through this check point during the Fig recovery operations.
The water circulation patterns in the lagoon provided fairly rapid dissi~
pation of the contaminated water that remained after the barge shots, and almost all the water zero sites could be re-entered within 24 hr without hazard
to the boat crews. Although water-borne recovery operations for Pinex and
detector foils were held up after some events, no more than a 24 hr delay

was ever experienced,

Use of the barge zero points required that underwater radiation measuring instruments be available for use by divers working on signal cables and
mooring devices, Six meters manufactured vy the Isotopes Specialties Co.,
Burbank, Calif., were used. The meters were designed to withstand pressures








Select target paragraph3