and briefing all personnel going into rad{ological exclusion areas (radex).
ec. Monitor Section for providing all monitoring services and manning
check points.
d. Supply Section for providing rad-safe supplies and laundry services
(facilities furnished by TG 7.5).
e. Decontamination Section for operating facilities for personnel and
equipment decontamination.
f. Instrument Repair Section for maintaining rad-safe instruments.
g- Laboratory Section for determining the amount of radioactivity in
soll, water, air, and food samples,
At the start of the operation the Eniwetok organization strength was 55;
that at Bikini, 45. The total was later reduced to 78. All supply problems
were handled through J-4, located at Eniwetok. The master files of photodosimetry records were maintained at Eniwetok and the film badges issued
to members of TG 7.2, TG 7.3, TG 7.4, and Hq., JTF 7, were processed by
the Eniwetok Dosimetry and Records Section.
Responsibility for radiological safe: for TG 7.5 personnel was not a
function of TU-6 during Hardtack, in cont ~.. with past operations. However,
H&N rad-safe personnel were utilized withir the TU-6 organization and radsafe support for both TG 7.1 and TG 7.5 was provided by the Task Unit.

Procurement of Personnel

Personnel for manning TU-s were obtained from the Army, Navy, and
Air Force. The majority was obtained from the First RSSU, a Chemical
Corps unit stationed at Ft. McClellan, Alabama. The following is a break-

down of the total personnel utilized by TU-6:

Training of Personnel

Training of TU-6 personnel was carried out ,in several places, The
majority of the First RSSU personnel received training at Ft. McClellan,
Alabama, the unit providing its own training staff. Approximately 40 mem.,
nw .bares crm eee ye ee

bers of the First RSSU participated as trainees in Operation Plumbbob at

the Nevada Test Site with the Reynolds Electric and Engineering Co. rad-safe
group. Instrument repair personnel received extensive training at the Navy

Rane i ot


Army -- 95 officers and enlisted men.
Navy -- 8 officers and enlisted men.
Air Foree -- 12 officers and enlisted men.
LASL -- 4 civillan health physicists as advisors.
UCRL --~ 3 civilian health physicists as advisors.

Select target paragraph3