"Though there probably will be some measurable increase
in the radioactive body burden of the Bikinians after they
have returned and are living on the atoll, it will be very
low and is not expected to cause any medical problems," Dr.
conard said.
Dr. Conard has just returned from the Marshalls.
there he visitsd Sil: isiand wnere the former 5ikinians now
live, and began his baseline studies on about half of the

first Bikinian work party which will be going back to

help rehabilitate the atoll.

The Bikinians are not ex-

pected to move back in large numbers for several years.

The Department of the Interior which is responsible

for the Marshall Islands, expects the full rehabilitation
of Bikini, including rebuilding the village and replanting
the coconut groves,

to take about six vears.

Cleanup of

the heavy undergrowth and radioactive scrap has begun already
under direction of the Department of Defense, Defense Atomic
Support Agency with assistance from the AEC and the Trust

Territory government.




also is being issued by the Brookhaven National Laboratory,

New York.)

Select target paragraph3