

appropriate identification tags and readied for shipment to LLL
they underwent preprocessing and gamma-spectral analysis.


Plutonium-239, 240

and strontium-90 analyses, were performed by wet chemistry methods at McClellan

A complete report on the analytical procedures has been

published (3).

Bikini Ground Water Program


The ground water program was designed to establish a network of

well locations on Bikini and Eneu Islands in order to assess the ground
water quality and to systematically study the hydrology and geochemistry
of radionuclides, major and trace elements in the ground water system.

_ Water movement and residence times were to be assessed to deduce the
transport rates and mechanisms of radionuclides deposited in the soil zone

or taken up by vegetation.
Methods and Measurements

Seven holes were drilled with a ground power auger at selected locations

along the centerlines of Bikini and Eneu Islands.

Pits were dug with a

backhoe to a maximum depth since the ground water reservoir surface was
approximately 2 meters below the ground surface.

The auger penetrated

the ground water lens to a depth of approximately 3 to 5 feet.

Each hole

was cased with slotted 2" diameter PVC pipe which was extended to the soil


The pits were backfilled to minimize environmental impact on the

The first hole was located near the island center.

The salinity of

the water was measured with an in-situ conductivity probe.

Two holes were

then drilled to bracket the center hole and the salinity measured in each.


Select target paragraph3