


was to be a rather large scale effort to sample the soil and vegetation
‘to evaluate the potential dose via

the terrestiral pathway.

It was

felt that this was an especially important goal in view of the significance
“of the foodchains' contribution to the total dose measured at Enewetak
Atoll (1).
For a number of reasons, the scale of the program had to be reduced
“from that originally planned.

The manpower and support were reduced and

the aerial survey was deleted, leaving the entire program for measuring
the external dose levels on Bikini and Eneu Islands to be accomplished by

ground crews (2).

The primary emphasis of this reduced effort was toward

the external gamma measurements of Bikini and Eneu Islands.

Although the

sampling of the foodchain pathways was more Jimited than we had hoped, a

smaller scale program designed to help assess the potential dose via
ingestion pathways was maintained.

The 1975 Bikini survey was finally

conducted with the help of 20 people (see acknowledgment) and the support
of the ERDA boat - LCU R.V. Liktanur from June 16 through June 24, 1975.
The basic plans for the 1975 Bikini survey are outlined below:
Bikini Soil and Gamma Exposure Rate Survey Program

Gamma-Exposure Rate Survey

The gamma-ray exposure measurement program conducted on the ground
"was designed to provide a detailed examination of the geographical

variability of the exposure rates on Bikini and Eneu Islands, and overal]
Verification of exposure rate measurements made during previous visits.

Methods and Measurements
The program utilized the Baird-Atomic scintillation detector which
consists of a 2.5-cm-diam x 3.9-cm-long Nal crystal with ratemeter readout.


Select target paragraph3