at Bikini Atol] allows comparison of the predicted doses at the two

The predicted doses at each atoll] are of course based upon

assumptions concerning the time sequence of availability of key food
products as outlined in the respective assessments.

The predicted

dose for the living pattern using Bikini Island for residence and for
agricultural products exceeds any predicted for Enewetak, primarily
because key food products will be available on a much shorter time

The doses predicted for the primary living patterns at the two
atolls are listed in Table 33.

The highest predicted doses occur for

the living pattern involving Bikini Island, Case 6, at Bikini Atoll.
The integral 30 year whole body and bone marrow doses and 29 and 43 rem

The predicted doses are approximately 2.5 times higher

than those predicted for Engebi Island at Enewetak Atoll (whole body
11 rem, bone marrow 16 rem) which is the living pattern leading to

the second highest predicted doses at the atolls.

Eneu Island, Case 1,

at Bikint Atoll ranks third in the list of four major living patterns
at the two atolls.

The whole body dose of 5.0 rem and bone marrow

dose of 6.6 rem for Eneu are approximately a factor of two lower than
those predicted for Engebi Island at Enewetak Atoll.

However the Eneu

doses are about five times higher than the southern island living
patterns at Enewetak.

The southern island living patterns at Enewetak

lead to the lowest predicted doses of all living patterns at either
atoll (1.0 rem whole body, 1.2 rem bone marrow), and are in fact lower

than U.S. doses.
Bone doses presented in the Enewetak Radiological Survey (1) were








Select target paragraph3