


For comparison, the Federal guide for whole body and bone marrow
dose for a member of the population is 0.5 rem per year.
year period the guide totals 15 rem.

Over a 30

The Eneu living pattern (Case 1)

leads to predicted 30 year doses for whole body and bone marrow of 5.0
rem and 6.6 rem respectively which are below the Federal guides.

Case 6

‘(the Bikini Island living pattern) results in predicted 30 year doses
Of 29 rem for the whole body and 43 rem for the bone marrow; these doses
are approximately 2 to 2.5 times the Federal guides.

The other living

patterns (Case 2 thru Case 5), which include various remedial measures

and are variations of the basic Case 6 living pattern, lead to predicted
whole body doses which range from 17 to 20 rem and bone marrow doses which
range from 19 rem to 25 rem.

All of these are in excess of the Federal


Comparison with Enewetak Atol]

Both Bikini and Enewetak Atoll's were sites for the United States
nuclear testing program from 1948 through 1960.

Recent requests by both

the Bikini and Enewetak people to return to their home atolis have led
to detailed radiological surveys to determine the status of the atolls
and the impact, if any, of restrictions placed upon living patterns and
life styles as a result of the dose assessment.

The atolls are located

within 300 miles of each other in the northern Marshalls.
essentially the same topography, soil chemistry and biota.

They have
In addition

to these physical similarities, the distribution of radionuclide
contamination relative to the islands used for residence and the potential
impact upon living patterns are somewhat similar.


Select target paragraph3