
These doses will be compared later in this report with bone and whole
body doses from other pathways.

The concentration of #4!Pu in the soil on Bikini and Eneu is
approximately 10 times that of 23°,24°9py (3).

However, due to low energy

beta radiation (0.021 mev maximum) and a much shorter half life (14 years)
- the integrated 30, 50 and 70 year doses from 24%!Pu are more than an order

of magnitude less than those listed in Table 5 for 239>2%Py.
The observed concentrations (pCi/g) of 2"1Am in the soil at Bikini
and Eneu is approximately one half of the 239.24 0Pu concentrations.
However, additional **!Am will result from decay of 2*!Pu.
‘daughter relationship for 241Pu/241Am is shown in Figure 4.

The parentThe maximum

24lAm activity that can be obtained is 2.6% of the initial #*/Pu activity.
The present 241Pu soil activity levels are 10 times that of 239:240py,
‘Therefore the final 241Am soil activity resulting from the decay of

241pu is 0.26 that of 239,240py,

The currently observed 241!Am soil

concentrations are 0.55 that of #39:240Py.

Thus, the final total soil

concentrations of 24}Am resulting from 2"Am presently observed and that
which will grow in from 241 py will be 0.81 that of the 239,24 9Py
soil concentrations.

For estimates of dose via inhalation the eventual

241Am soil concentrations can be considered equal to the 239,24°py

As a result the doses shown in Table 5 for 239.240py

can essentially be doubled to account for the 2*!Am.


Select target paragraph3