
Pandanus fruit and breadfruit should be sufficient for normal subsistence

Presently on Eneu Island there are no Pandanus fruit or breadfruit,

however, coconut are available.

Again by 1980 there should be no

Jimitation on dietary intake of coconut milk or meat due to unavailability.

We have also assumed that both Pandanus fruit and breadfruit will be
- available by 1980 on Eneu.
These dietary estimates are similar to those used in the assessment
of Enewetak Atoll (6) and are based upon the research conducted at that time
which included discussions with and observations of the Enewetak people
living on Ujilang, information from Dr. Jack Tobin, the Marshall Island

anthropologist and information from Or. Mary Murai of the University of
California School of Public Health who lived in.the Marshall's for several
years and has published a book on the Marshallese diet (7).

In addition,

we have since had the opportunity to observe Firsthand how both the Enewetak
people at Enewetak Atoll and the Bikini people at Bikini Atoli use and take
advantage of the available marine and terrestrial resources.
The use of imported foods will surely continue to varying degrees.


extent to which these imports may reduce the daily intake of locally grown

food products or locally available marine resources will in turn reduce the
dose estimates presented in this report since these estimates are based upon
| the diets listed in Table 2.

Methods of Dose Calculation
The external dose measurements and calculations from gamma emitting

radionuclides, primarily 437Cs and ®°Co, distributed in the soil on Bikini
and Eneu Islands has been described in detail (2).

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Select target paragraph3