Bikini Islanders Lose Again to Radia
Continued from First Page
Andrew finally came back about

eight years ago. He was among the
first to return. [t was 24 years after

the Navy had taken him away, two
years after President Johnson's announcement that Bikint was safe.
From the front porch of hus concrete block house overlooking Bikim
lagoon, the old man recalicd the jong
years bewween departure and return
There was near starvation. much prvation. There was shuttling from one
alien island to another and another
and yet another. There was scattenng
of family and fends, atsiocauon,
nearly totai disruption of a hitherto
mnet, untroubled way of lle,
“Maybe there were some times
when I was not ushappy,” he admitfed “But... every day | rememdered Bikini And every day [ wanted
to come back because it is my homeland, because Bikini is a beautiful
He was quit, deferentially polite.
But at last, in reply lo the stranger's
question, Andrew dropped lhe emouonal verl suightly.
Row, the stranger asked, will he
react when he leaves Gikims once
again and forever?
“Tt wall weep,” he said. “I wif feel
anger... . 1 will not go. I will sit


‘You'd have

to say

the removal was the
right of the conqueror.

here. They will have to carry me
He said he also believed some of
the others would do the same as he,
fecl the same as he.
~ And how, after ail that had happened to him and his people since
1946, did he feel now aboul the
The old man taughed, perhaps embarrassed by the question and by the
fact that the questioner was an
Then he leaned clow stamng
through thick green-lnted glasses
that made hus dark eyes seem enormous,

“ “The Amencan is a liar-man,.” he
taid. “His promise is not kept.”

Charter of 1945.
Specilically, tt was designated a
“strategic crust.” which permitted the
United States Wo set ase certain
areas of ihe former Japanese mandate
lerntory for military sccurity pur$c$,
Bikim seemed a logical choice
gecsraphically, too. The wea of Operation Crossrcads was to see what the
atomic bomb would do to a naval
Ticet. The three A-bombs of World
War Il had been expicded in the New
Mexico desert and over tne Jananese
emes of Faroshima and Nagusaku
Other sites were considered. But
aecording to Crossroads historian
teal Hines, “Bikini fulfdled all the
conditions of climate and isolation. It
was... 2,500 miles west southwest
of Honolulu... but it also was accessible, ... Its inhabitants, who
then numbered 162, could be moved
to another atoll”
(Most other sources say the popuJalon then was 166 Since then there
has Leen a population exciasion, Today 860 pe-sons clam iand rights in
Bikini Atoll—140 now living on Bikint
Island, 450 on Kilt, and the others
scattered Unroughoul the Marshails. )

There was concer on the part of
the US. fishing industry that the lest
blasts might hurt the mech commercial
fishing grounds. There also were so
many complaints from animal lovers
that pians to use dogs as test anunals
were canceled. But there is no recorded protest against removing the
Bikimans from thew ancestral homeland.
“In retrospect ... you'd have to
gay the removal was the ‘right of the
conqueror,’said Jim Wirn. a transplanted Kansan who ts aisimetattorney of the Pacific Trust Territory's
MarshallIslands District.
“Qur atutude must have been that
we, at the cost of several thousand
Ameréan lives, took the Marsnails
. . . took this wnole area of the Pacific from the Japanese. Ara... part
of tl was the attitude, ‘Weil, they (the
Bulunians) are just little brown people
anyway, They don't need their atoll.
We ll just move ‘cm off someplace
Certainly the Bikinians were in no
postion to semously oppose the Navy
when, on Feb. 10, 1946. Commodore
Ben Wyatt, then the military goverfor, ammved by seaplane and announced that they must go clsewhere.

+ The first Amencan promise to the
Bilani peopic was made by the U.S.
Navy after President Harry $ Truman had, on Jan. 10, 1946, at the recommendauon of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, given Lhe go-ahead for Operation Crossroads, the first past-World
War Il test of nuctear weapons
In simplest terms, the promise went
something like this: We have decided
to use your atoll to test a powerful
few weapon. For your own safcty,
ou will be moved lo another place.
e will take care of you there When
We're through using your atoll, we
wall bring you back.
Few now question that the Navy
had the [egal rizht to appropriate BikanAtoll for mintary purposes.
Bikini) ts part of the Marshall Lslands which as part of Micronesa,

In effect, the islanders then and
there adopted the United States as
thew irey aap—their paramount
chief, the power aver and beyond
their local isiand chief, Juda. And, in
Marshallese tradiuon, this meant that
henecforward the United States was
responsible for the proicection and
well-being of the Bikini people.
Aithough to American eyes the
Molls of the Marshalls look much the

UN. Trust fart ry uncer US ade
minisurauon by lerms of tie UN.

vicw that the ret iden inp between a

which on Gira wos eslubl hed as a

en enPa 19AteAerie= = eae SSa

same, the remaval was deeply painful
and culturally destructive lo the Bi-

For. as many anthropologists have

observed, there ss among Micronesian

peoples a profound, mystical attachment to the particular, uny piots of
tand owned by their familics or clans.
Anthropologist Robert Kiste, author of “fhe iikinans A Study in
Forent Miereuon " aud un an interPlease Tuca to Page 8, Coit


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‘HOT BREW’ —Jeladrick Jakeo checks sap fr

lets it ferment into jakauru, a midtly alconolic
are forbidden, Jokeo says no one has e

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