. 242°

Table 2.5)]-] gives the station mumber, slant distance tc the device,
and the neutrons per cm* as measured by eact. of the various detectors.
Table 2.51-2 gives the station number, alant distance, and the peutron
dose in rep eas measured by the USAF Schoc] of Aviation Medicine's ches—

deal doeimeters,

Table 2.51-3 gives the station number, slant distance,

and gemma dose for thoae DI6C glase dosimeters which could be read tere
in PPG,

The remaining -T6U'a had to b returned to the 21 for reading

due to the high dose rates,

The AFC cherical dosimeter and germanium

dosimeter data ere nct availatle at this time.
Pig. 2.51-1, 7, 3, and 4 are plots o% neutron flux times slant
distence scuared ve slant distance “or Pu, Mp, U, and S respectively.
Pig. 2.$1-§ 18 @ plot of neutron “lux tires slant distance ve slant
distance for sold.

The Np graph assumed that there is no spectral

variation along the instrument line, tre line being drown parallel to the
Pu and 0 included in the resree*ive lir+s,

The Np point or the 64° line

bas peen adjusted upward tc compensate ‘or the srperent perturbation of

the tower.

Fig. 7.51-6 ta @ plot of dose ‘n rep times slant distance

squared wa slant dietance as t

the USAF chemical dosimeters

te te mmaron fol He. BEST AVAILABLE COPY

oo this device can easily be detrcted fros the graphs.

The reason fcr the change in slope of the 45° line is oct clear,
It may be seen that the dose as reas red by the chemical dosimeters
is low by a factor of three to five as comrarrd to thet measured by the

foil system,

This discrepancy is not irasiiately explainable.

It ie

anticipated that upon recalibration of ‘oth systeme and comparison witb

AEC dosimeters thia discrepancy will be resolved.


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Select target paragraph3