Project Title:



Surveillance of Facilities and Sites
Marshall Islands Radiological Safety Program GK-01-91-52-3-fa)


Definition of the annual contributions to dose via the

inhalation pathway at Bikini, Rongelap, and Utirik.


emphasis will be placed on continuous air sampling for windmediated resuspension of radionuclides in local soils; and
on special measurements to define aerosol contributions resuiting from human activity.

4. Development of radiological dose predictive models which
involve both human and environmental monitoring data.

Supplement to 200 Word Summary:

The FY 1979 budget request contains

a significant increase over the FY 1978 allocation.

This increase reflects a

realistic assessment of operating costs imposed by the in vivo counting, bio-

assay, and air monitoring activities begun in FY 1978. Additionally, field
trip activities and analytical laboratory services have substantially exceeded
original estimates for the basic radiological safety program, and these costs
are expected to continue, Finally, there are a number of peripheral programs
of-mutual interest to BNL and OES which will be cost-effective if included
with the basic efforts, manpower and budget permitting. These include in
order of importance:


1. Definition of local diet patterns at all atolls of interest,
and continuous monitoring of diets for seasonal changes and longterm trends which might impact on realistic dose predictions,

Incorporation of public information and education programs
into the total BNL effort to minimize the adverse psychological
and sociological impacts of local radiological conditions and
of our efforts to understand them.
3. Retrospective assessment of the radiological picture in the
Northern Marshalls prior to the establishment of the BNL program in FY 1975.

4. Continued collaboration with UW/LRE on OES radiological

Relationship to Other Projects:

This program will be logistically coupled wherever possible to the BNL
Medical Program in the Marshall Islands. Technical collaboration will continue on matters of mutual interest. The radiological safety program will also
bear directly on a retrospective reassessment of thyroid and whole body doses
to the BRAVO fallout victims at Rongelap and Utirik, a new program for which
funding is expected in FY 1978. The program will also interact cooperatively
with related efforts at the University of Washington (LRE) and at Lawrence
Livermore Laboratory.
(See Continuation Sheet)


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