


show a significant change.

The Woy value is higher by a

factor of about 14 but the 13Tos value is lower by a factor
of 150.

These new values should be used. in a redetermination

of internal exposures from 90, and 13T¢5,

Coconut - The 1969 values for 7°sr and 137s in coconut are
in good agreement with 1957 values and Gustafson's intake
values would still apply.

Coconut Crabs - The 1969 levels of both 7°sr ana 23%cs in crabs
from Bikini Island are higher‘than the 1967 averege value.


edible portion of each crab will contain about 1 pound of muscl
and 1 pound of liver.

Therefore, the average radionuclide con-

tent for crabs will be the average value for musele and liver.
The level of >> Fe in crabs is so low (the average value for
muscle and liver) as not to constitute any significant intake
of this radionuclide for this item of diet.


Clams - The levels of 90sy 13765, and Fe in clams and lobster
are so low that intake of these radionuclides through these items
' of diet may be neglected in dose calculations.
Table III of this report presents revised values of daily radionuclide
inteke using the Rongelap diet and updated with the 1969 monitoring results.




Select target paragraph3