contain lower levels of radioactivity than coconut crab.

The Committee's

recommendation that the population of coconut crabs be sharply reduced
was directed to this end but there was no intent that the crabs be
entirely removed from the Atoll.

Some reduction occurred during cleanup

operations on Bikini Island and coconut crabs are not now seen there in

large numbers.

Coconut crabs may be ineluded in the diet when the pop-

ulation returns but this recommendation is subject to continuing review.

For Pandanus, the Committee recoamended removal of two inches of

over an area covered by the crown of mature trees for plantings |

on Bikini.

If this is not done on Bikini, the fruit produced may not be
Fruit produced by Pandanus trees planted on Bikini will be

analyzed to insure that it is acceptable for food.
The Comittee has recommended that no precautions are needed on Eneu

and coconut crabs found there may be eaten in any quantity.


may be planted there without soil removal.


While the Comnittee's recommendations for achieving lower radiation
exposure are all beneficial, there is one very important recommendation
requiring the cooperation and participation of the Bikini people.


concerns insuring an adequately nutritious diet for those living in the

Use of a dietary supplement of ‘powdered milk has been suggested

which will relieve the calcium deficiency usually associated with the

-Marshallese diet.

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Select target paragraph3