
The guidelines for planning cleanup actions at Enewetak are

0.25 Rem/yr whole body and bone: marrow, 0.75 Rem/yr

thyroid and bone, and 4+ Rem/30 yr for gonads.


The annual

of the criteria apply to individuals and the 30-

year criteria applies to the population.
Should one or more
of these guidelines be exceeded by predictions for resettlement in the aforementioned islands in the north, or
by the highest individual living in the south but eating

from the north,

a prediction of how long resettle-

ment or coconut planting must be delayed before these

criteria would not be exceeded for both the average diet
and the drought/no imports diet, must be made.


A statement must be provided on the likely radiological
impact on the environment of disposal of contaminated soil
in Cactus Crater on Runit Island.
A recommendation should
be made on followup radiological monitoring that is needed
to provide information relative to this impact



samples, frequency, location, etc.).
It should be assumed
for end-of-cleanup dose projections that Runit will be
quarantined and that there will be a good level of compliance with this quarantine.

<A prediction is needed of the radioactivity content of
copra produced in the southern islands and in the six
northern islands of part (3) above, should these latter
islands be planted.

Where applicable above, the highest annual doses to whole body,
bone, and bone marrow for all significant radioelement con-

taminants must be estimated for use in our later evaluation

of end-of-cleanup conditions against the cleanup and rehabili-

tation radiological criteria.
Estimated 30-year whole body
doses must be available for an evaluation of longer term
In addition, transuranium element annual doses for
lung and bone must be predicted for comparisons where we anti-

cipate use of EPA guidance (draft at present).

These predictions are the key input for DOE's development of
a final cleanup certification issuance to DNA and DOI.
priority is to be given to Janet Island in order to meet a

May 1979 time for a reassessment of doses for that island.

reassessment of post-cleanup radiological conditions for the
entire atoll will be needed in the autumn,




Select target paragraph3