FOR MY. M. E. GATES EYES unis Gates -2- wherewithal to pay for needed corrective actions in a safety area, therefore, it is not appropriate for our safety appraisers to insist upon corrective actions by contractor management -through the formal contractor appraisal system. True, safety "Surveys" are made of activities, and an "advisory" recommendation is made to PASO and the contractor. These "surveys" are without the force and effect of NV management behind them; are not subject to the same staff review aS an appraisal would be. The contractor and PASO is left solely with the problem of trying to negotiate with the funding agency, for needed corrective safety actions. JI do not think I need to describe how this arrangement works; simply put it does not. There are other areas, perhaps less glaring than the above two, which are involved (e.g. Radiological Safety Procedures at JA) which I'll not go into at this time since I believe they will find a solution if you accept my following recommendation. Ink, I believe we may be dealing with an area of non-communication with some overtones of conflicting bureaucratic policies. I know that the NV staff would respond affirmatively with appropriate procedures and policies if they were totally aware of the kinds of problems Leon Silverstrom, and other U.S. Government attorneys, are working on. Also, I believe it would help if you would enunciate formally the absolute need for current NV policies and procedures to reflect knowledge of "lessons learned" in the fifties. If we do not do these things, I feel certain that our successors will inherit the same legal - and perhaps moral - legacy that we did. Lastly, Ink, I am sending this to you "eyes only" only because some of the comments can be construed as personal efiticism of NV staff, and as such might be addressed defensively with some loss of objectivity. I have no pride of authorship on this issue. It needs correcting, and I will play any role to help I can. could pull it together. However, I really believe that Leon is the guy who JI have tried to solve this problem without reference to you, several times over the past two years without success. Recent news- paper and TV publicity on the Cooper, Big Smokey and other related matters have led me to conclude that I must communicate with you directly. Aloha, Crisine! Siqnec! By ar Wi ol °S Wa he i ae , J. CT ANTES STA? 422 Bill Stanley Director é ae mi tb b hae on MR. A, GATES EYES ONLY