proper Signature of wie Health Assistant, daptan ana che medical
officer incharae of USAF Clinic, Enewetak.
9. Every effort should be made to contact the District Director of

Health Services, Marshalls and his medical staff,the Lfafson

Officer, Kwafaletn and DistAd Rep., Kwajalein before evacuating any
medical emergency refereals from Japtan, Enewetak.

The hospitality, assistance, logistic support “and cooperation I recefved
_ From Colonel Edgar J. Mixan and al] his staff was deeply apprecfated.
I wes cost impressed with the way they demonstrated their concern
regarding the relfare of the people of Japtan. However, Dr. Joseph E.

Thorpe and I didn't think that there was any epfdemic of diarrhea or
flu existed on Japtan.

Of course, layman will Took at the situation

from a totally difference point of view. Mild upper respiratory
infection is not an unusual after field trip ship visit to an atoll.
Diarrhea of various causes iS an epidemic disease in Micronesia. The

Heatth Assistant on Japtan has all the needed medicines and equipments

in his dispensary to take care of about 90% of al) common diseases on



Lh phy.



DRS, Marshalls


Colone} Edear J. Mixan, Enewetak poo

Dr. Joseph E. Thrope, Enewstakco

DistAd Rep. Japtan/Enewetak
Kealth Assistant, Japtan/Enewetak
Kwajalein Liatson Officer, Kyajalein
eon of Health Services, Safpan



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