7/2/80 411828 STATE suggested chunges: 2. A. Replace second sentence with: The USG and MIG shall negotiate procedures to identify additional residents of the Marshall Islands wh@%Mold valid Claims for suffering due to radiation exposure from the USG nuclear testing program in the Northern Marshall Islands between 1946 and 1958. The USG should be prepared to extend the provisions of Sec. 104 to these individuals as settlement. 2. B. Add as new first sentence to last paragraph: The USG and MIG shall negotiate procedures to identify ‘the "other atolls" mentioned in Sec. 102 which will be included in the provisions of this act. 2. a B. Next to =last paregiaph: delete first sentenree. First paragraph, first sentence: delete the phrase: in Presidential Directive NSC 49 of June 6, 1979." “contained NO DEPT. OF ENERGY CLASSIFIED INFORMATION (NO RD/FRD/DOS-NSI} COORDINATE WITS: BEFORE DECLASSIFICATION RELEASE _ AUTHORITY: DCx/SA-20 ~s BY B.R.. SCHMIDT, DATE: ( ae 972414 Lege 2 sy _ DoSarreme Doo0we76s 30/07_