UNITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION WASHINGTON. D.C. 20545 v'} 4 April 7, 1970 File py‘| 4? iW AEC 604/124 - ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING RESULTS FROM BIKINI CLEANUP OPERATIONS SECY : RDL At Information Meeting 1012 on April 3, 1970, the Commission requested additional data and further consideration of the environmental monitoring results from the Bikini cleanup operations which show somewhat higher levels for plutonium-239 and plutonium-240 in soil, for a limited number of samples analyzed, than previously obtained. The Division of Operational Safety is taking the appropriate action. Ouginel signed vw, & Wescott W. B. McCool Secretary cc: Chairman Seaborg Commissioner Ramey Commissioner Johnson Commissioner Thompson: Commissioner Larson General Manager Deputy General Manager Assistanc General Manager Exec, Spec. Spec, Asst. Asst. to Gen. Mgr. . Asst. to Gen. Mgr. Asst, for Env. Affairs Gen. Mgr. for MA. -«s=----— = .cu: Asst, Gen, Mgr. for Operations Asst. Gen. Mgr. for R&D General Counsel - Director, Biology & Medicine Director, Congr. Relations Controller Director, Inspection Director, Operational Safety Director, Public Information Pp CONFIRMED TO BE UNCLASSIFIED AUTHORITY: DOE/SA-20 BY A. SCHMIDT, DATE: Hel . Va } J? fA of 326-56 -//Bows Nin 13° 7