answer of the Counittee = The anawer is substantially the same as to

Question isthat
at least eight miseiens can be earried cut.
Personnel cought to be carefully checked and evaluated after each nission.

The possibility of substantial reduction in life expectanay by radiztion .

doses totaling ever 20Grshould not be ignored.

Biology Sranch (guuieGneeas
Human Genetics ~ At the November ncating of the Biology end Kedicine

Advisory Committee the question of supporting work in human genetics was


In compliance with the general tenor of the discussion, a

propesal for investigation of certain humen mutation rates wag invited from
Dr. James ¥. Neel. ef the University of Michigan whe had discussed this problex

@m several previous occasions with Dr. Zelle. br. Neal's greposal will be
disacuased at the January aceting of the Advisery Comaittes andwill be the
firet research contract in human genetios if if is approved. This wrk sill

ee takeOM

not deal with the effect of irradiation but enly with paturally ocouring

mutationg in man.

hengextty Studios - Some of the aioe surviving operation Greeshouse are
tc ba re
tad States for observations aver the rest of théir

life span.

‘This work will be done in the Siology Division at GRYL. The

Stology Branch ws represented by Dr. Zelle at the December 1th Gonference
at Oak Ridge to discuss specific plans for the cataract, tuner incidence, and

longevity studies of these mice.

The sverall sise ofthe study wes reduced,

a better statistical denign developed especially for the control mice, ands

convenient ayaten of recording data on tha ISM eard outlined at the ocufarmee.
Personnel requirements, finsncing, end other problems perteining to the program
were discussed,

the studies on the longevity of the aice fron dreonhouse oomprise only

one part of a program on the effects of radiation on longevity. Other studies
. using external seurses of radiation will be initiated with dogea and other
species, Aninals will be exposed to single »ray treatments at various dosage

levels, ad also to intermittent exposures,

Irradiation iffects on Plents ~ Hesearch at the U. 3. Department of

agriculture at Saiteville on mm ACC project has dealt extensively with the

effect of radicactive isotopes on plant growth. In messuring the immediate

effect of irradiation on plants it has been possible to measure a decrease

in root length, in top growth, and the sise of new leaves. These sethods are
only qualitative and with thea little visible injury to plants is noticeable
in such planta a# barley and alfalfa when the plants are grown in nutrient

solutions containing less than 50 microcuries of p22 per Liiexs

It bas recently besn observed that oall division ceascs in the meristematic

region such as the root tip or atem tip when subjected te s« constant relatively


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