Radiation Studies Training Program
for Marshall Islands

I. Objective:

To help the residents of the Marshall Islands understand radioactivity

and radiation and the possible effects of radiation on human health.

II. Approach:

Teachers and other qualified Marshallese will be trained and

prepared to convey knowledge about radiation and radiation effects to the
residents of the several atolls and islands.

This could be done as part

of their regular classroom work and/or as part of a continuing education
program for both children and adults.

III. Elements of the Program


Training Teachers

Training of Marshallese teachers and other qualified Marshallese would be
_accomplished through one or more of the following:



Help develop a radiation studies curriculum by participating
in the curriculum development meetings presentty¢ eing held at
Majuro in the Marshal] Islands;


TeactY’a radiation studies course in the continuing education



program teachers\that-idconducted at Majurg


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Aring teachers to PNL or other national laboratories on a

rotational basis for about one month of classes and laboratory

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