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Local differences in dose rates at one inch

Survey meter readings were also taken at one inch above the
ground with the beta shield both open and closed.

There was no

apparent correlation between these readings and the gamma dose
rate readings at three feet, except in a very general way, but
such readings were useful in selecting areas from which to sample

and indicated local distribution of the activity.

For example,

when measurements were made one inch over the ground with the

shield open in 1959, the levels were higher after the litter
was removed from the soil and there were markedly higher levels

of activity over areas covered with soil algae than over bare

Attempts also were made with a survey meter to determine

local differences in activity in trec+.

This was unsuccessful,

since the general levels of activity masked local effects within

the trees, even though laboratory analyses showed that the
activity in lichens and mosses collected from the bark was

several times higher than in the bare portions of the trees.
The use of survey meters to determine the vertical distribution
of activity in soil pits was impracticable due to the high background levels from surrounding contamination and the fact that
the bulk of the radioactivity was in the surface inch or less
of soil.

Select target paragraph3