LFE Environmental Analysis Laboratory (LFE) Samples delivered to LFE as of 6 April 1973 - 423 soils,
4 dried fish for F055 and


395 analyses (plus ¥e on fish

Have received preliminary data on Pu concentrations

in 25 soil samples.

The results are acceptable.

We have

suggested an approach for them to use in calculating upper


Eberline Instrument Company (EIC) ~Analyses began on 2 April 1973.

‘Two batches (102 samples)

of soils have been shipped to EIC for “39m, and Wor analysis.

Some preliminary results will be reported to LLL as soon as
they are available.

University of Washington, Seattle (UW) Analysis of a set of 12 selected fish samples for 2395, sr,
nd ?°Fe is in progress at UW and MCL.

Data will be compared

to assure accurate calibration of tracers, ete.

We expect

some data to be reported by each lab before the next progress

A progress report will be issued every two weeks.

Rabarl! 2 bidf

Dr. Richard W. Hoff
Deputy Division Leader
Radiochemistry Division

RWH :mb

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