


Me Ceauk
ee ead

duly 3, 1976
Utirik, ‘arshall Islands
Trust Territory of the Pacific

lire Roger Rav, AM/iE:S
UeGe Lnercy Research and Development Administration (ERDA)

wevada Cperations Office
to. Lox 14100


Las Vegas, Nevada 6911L
Dear te nay:

This letter is from the chiefs and all ot the people in Utirik Atoll.
tt has now been twenty-two years since the radicactive fall-out from the bomb,

wilich has disturbed the peace and welfare from 195) until the present.

The doctors from ERDA have told us that there were 14 rads in Utirik and
175 rads in Rongelap, therefore, we are very surprized, because in Utir’: we
have ten cases of thyroid nodules, three of which were malignant. Lut in Rongelap
tuey have thirty cases of thyroid nodules, and also three cases of malignancy.
Pernaps you can tell us if there is some explanation for the same number of malignant

thyroid cases in Ronvcelap and Utirik, who received very different levels of

Additionally, we have many more things to ask, because at present we are
not happy with the way things are:
le Why is there not g control group in Utirik?

a) The people of Utirik are different from the people of Rongelap~~they

are a different rene pool and breeding population.
») the people of Utirik were exposed to different levels of radiation than

the people of itongelap---Utirik had Uy; rads, and Rongelap had 175 rads.

¢) There were different return times for the Utirik people and the Rongelap

people from Lwajalein (following their evacuation) in 195h---the people

of Utirik returned to their atoll after three months, and the people
of ongelap returned to their atoll after three years.
a) would it ve correct to say that perhaps the Utirik people received more

than only 14 rads in light of their quick return time to Utirik?

e) would it be correct to say that we can expect many more cases of thyroid
preblems in the future?
2e iow cone the unDA doctors told us tnat there was just a little bit of radiatio
in Utirix and a lot tu uorelon? ‘hat is, wiuy are there tne same mumber
of malignant thyroid glanaus in Utirix as tnere are in iionc¢elap?
3e ty 43 it that the wiDA doctors do not

ULirik froup?

examine the children of the exposed

lie Uy Ig it thas the oA doctors -ive different treatoient to the people of
StLirik than tie peoplr of vonjehan?
che; an not ive full exan' nations
Wyonoe people OF Huire sa every yeur, a5 vie cdo in Jonjelen. why not?

be Vue Peovle of ULirlx should ce anle to choose their oim doctors
a) The people of Phirik de not like Dr. Kondcon becarse he does not
een oe
. tT
che eeyt
Uelei ne we,
B38 LP dpe eve ie ay ra tao ayo a cele tbe ie ovosrivent, and Curtner
~ Ley
re Coes
not proves:
a Vo
wenat ena
Sor -0 @ pen eles
b) tne mneople oF Ltir k .3 rot

like or. Conard bocance iw Lies t: the

peodlie, and nas nov nelped tie people LoUMecerstand tie problens

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