and numberof fissions as determined by Mo"content, and no arbitrary normalization has been

employed to match theory and experiment. Thus, the curves in Figure 3.39, for instance, rep.

resent the best available estimates of the SC dose rate produced by 10 fissions/ft? of the various

mixtures. The Mo®® content of each of the samples represented is identical, namely the number

corresponding to 10‘ fissions at a yield of 6.1 percent. The curves are displaced vertically
from one another solely because of the fractionation of the other fission products with respect
to Mo®®, and the contributions of various kinds and amounts of induced products.
It may be seen that the computed and observed doghouse-counter decay rates are in fairly
good agreementover the time period for which data could be obtained. The beta-decay curves
for Shots Flathead and Navajo, initiated on the YAG 40, suggest that the computed gamma and
ionization curves, for those events at least, are reasonably correct as early as 10 to 15 hours
after detonation.
The ionization results may not be checked directly against experiment; it was primarily for
this reason that the other effects of the proposed compositions were computed for laboratory
instruments. If reasonable agreement can be obtained for different types of laboratory detectorg,
then the inference is that discrepancies between computed and measured ionization rates in the
field are due to factors other than source composition and ground-surface fission concentration.

The cleared area surrounding Station F at How Island (Figure 2.8) offers the closest approximation to the standard conditions for which the calculations were made, and Shot Zuni was the
only event from which sufficient fallout was obtained at this station to warrant making a comparison. With the calculated dose rates based on the average buried-tray value of 2.08 +0.22

x 10" fissions/ft? (Table B.27) and the measured rates from Table B.28, (plotted in Figure B.7),

the observed/calculated ratio varies from 0.45 at 11.2 hours to 0.66 from 100 to 200 hours, fall-

ing to an average of 0.56 between 370 and 1,000 hours. Although detailed reconciliation of theory
and experiment is beyond the scope of this report, some of the factors operating to lower the ra-

tio from an ideal value of unity were: (1) the cleared area was actually somewhat less than infinite in extent, averaging ~ 120 feet in radius, with the bulldozed sand and brush ringing the

area in a horseshoe-shaped embankment some7 feet high; (2) the plane was not mathematically
smooth; and (3) the survey instruments used indicate less than the true ionization rate, i.e., the
integrated response factor, including an operator, is lower than that obtained for Co®in the calibrating direction.

It is estimated that, for average energies from 0.15 Mev to 1.2 Mev, a cleared radius of 120
feet provides from ~ 0.80 to ~ 0.70 of an infinite field (Reference 46). The Cutie Pie survey
meter response, similar to the T1B between 100 kev and 1 Mev, averages about 0.85 (Reference
17). These two factors alone, then, could depress the observed/calculated ratio to ~ 0.64.


Select target paragraph3