tions of the larger particles. Because of background dust and unavoidable debris on the trays,
correlation of the concentrations of smaller particles with radiological measurements was more
difficult. The concentrations of the smallest sizes remained almost constant withtime. Particle diameters gradually decreased with time at each station during the slurry-particle shots,

though remaining remarkably constant at ~ 100 to 200 microns on the ships during the entire
fallout period.

4, Inthe vicinity of the ships, the gross body of fallout activity for the slurry-particle shots
penetrated to the thermocline from a depth of 10 to 20 meters at the rate of 3to 4 m/hr. A con.
siderable fraction of the activity for the solid-particle shots penetrated to the thermocline at

about the same rate.

This activity remained more or less uniformly distributed above the ther-

mocline up to at least 2 days after the shot, and is presumed to have beenin solution or assoc-

iated with fine particles present either at deposition or produced by the breakup of solid aggre-

gates in sea water. An unknown amountof activity, perhaps as much as 50 percentof thetotal,
penetrated at a higher rate and may have disappeared below the thermocline during the solidparticle shots. It is unlikely that any significant amount of activity was lost in this way during
the slurry-particle shots.


Fractionation of Mo®®, Np?"*, and I'*! occurred in the surface water layer following solid-

particle deposition; a continuous variation in composition with depth is indicated.

Only slight

tendencies in this direction were noted for slurry fallout.
Physical, Chemical, and Radiological Characteristics.
1. The fallout from Shots Zuni and Tewa consisted almost entirely of solid particles similar
to those observed after the land-surface shots during Operations Ivy and Castle, consisting of
irregular, spheroidal, and agglomerated types varying in color from white to yellow and ranging in size from < 20 microns to several millimeters in diameter. Most of the irregular particles consisted primarily of calcium hydroxide with a thin surface layer of calcium carbonate;
although a few unchanged coral particles were present; while the spheroidal particles consisted

of calcium oxide and hydroxide, often with the same surface layer of calcium carbonate.


agglomerates were composed of calcium hydroxide with an outer layer of calcium carbonate.

The particles almost certainly were formed by decarbonation of the original coral to calcium
oxide in the fireball, followed by complete hydration in the case of the irregular particles, and
incomplete hydration in the case of the other particles; the surface layer, which may not have
been formed by deposition time, resulted from reaction with CO, in the atmosphere.

The den-

sities of the particles were grouped around 2.3 and 2.7 gm/cm’,
2. Radioactive black spherical particles, usually less than 1 micron in diameter, were ob-

served in the fallout from Shot Zuni, but not in the fallout from Shot Tewa.

Nearly all such

particles were attached to the surfaces of irregular particles. They consisted partially of calcium iron oxide and could have been formed by direct condensation in the fireball.
3. The radionuclide composition of the irregular particles varied from that of the spheroidal
and agglomerated particles. The irregular particles tended to typify the cloud-sample and distant-

fallout radiochemistry, while the spheroidal and agglomerated particles were more characteristic of the gross fallout near ground zero. The irregular particles tended to be enriched in

Ba'*. 1a?and slightly depleted in Sr®*; the spheroidal and agglomerated particles were depleted
in these nuclides but were much higherin specific activity.

It should be recognized that this

classification by types may be an oversimplification, and that a large sample of individual par-

ticles of all types might show a continuous variation of the properties described. The inference
is strong, nevertheless, that the fractionation observed from point to point in the fallout field at
Shot Zuni was due to the relative abundance and activity contribution of some such particle types
at each location.

4. The activities of the irregular particles varied roughly as their surface area or diameter
squared, while those of the spheroidal particles varied as some power higherthan the third.
Indications are that the latter were formed in a region of higher activity concentration in the
cloud, with the activity diffusing into the interior while they were still ina molten state. Activity was not related to particle density but varied with the weight of irregular particles in a manner consistent with a surface-area function.

Select target paragraph3